Lucas Cruikshank has officially debuted his boyfriend Matthew Fawcus on his YouTube channel with the Boyfriend Tag.
Despite most fans already knowing their relationship status, many fans were still in shock. “You’re gay? What about Jenny?” read one commenter, who clearly missed his coming out video.
“We’re dating,” Lucas confirms. They reveal that they are currently in Australia, and Matthew is taking Lucas to visit his family.

Where did they meet?
Lucas and Matthew argue about how they officially met, with Lucas claiming Matthew added him on Facebook. Matthew fires back, “I didn’t add you! I messaged you on Facebook.”

They end up agreeing that they met via YouTuber Kingsley, who introduced them.
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“I was in the States two and a half years ago, I was at a club, and Lucas was there underage,” Matthew says. They end up agreeing that they saw each other from afar at a club, and eventually added each other on Facebook.
What was their first date?
They got Pinkberry and drove around listening to Demi Lovato and Paris Hilton songs. “It was not technically a date,” Matthew says.

“We were just hanging out as friends.” They were still assessing their potential chemistry. “We never knew if it was a date,” Lucas says. “We were both creepishly shy about it.”
When was their first kiss, and how was it?
“By the fourth date, I was like, this is f**ked up. I’m going to kiss him, this is so stupid. Then I kissed him,” Matthew says.

“Sparks flew,” Lucas adds. “Taylor Swift was playing on the radio.”
First impressions?
Matthew’s first impression of Lucas was just looking at him from afar in the club. But Lucas’ first impression of Matthew was when he looked through Matthew’s photos on Facebook and watched the Australian Taste Test video with Kingsley.

“I never added you on Facebook,” an embarrassed Matthew exclaims.
Who wears the pants in the relationship?
“We’re both wearing pants,” they say.
What’s something you don’t like that the other does?
Matthew is not a fan of how Lucas clears his throat in bed.

Lucas, on the other hand, is not happy that Matthew gets up earlier than him in the morning and wakes him up. “I have a job, I have to go to work,” Matthew fires back.