You won’t actually be able to watch your faves on The Amazing Race until next year – but here’s a quick behind-the-scenes sneak peek of how they’re doing so far!
The racers have barely gotten started, and have been spotted rushing to Mexico City to meet host Phil at the Monumento a la Revolución.
They were all instructed to pick up their first Detour clue at the location, say hello to the Facebook live stream – and decide between doing the “Mariachi Madness” or the “Great Balls of Fire” challenge.
Are Alliances Already Forming?
Viners Cole and Sheri looked like they formed an alliance with the Instagram models.
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Tyler, Korey, Zach, Rachel and the Clevver hosts (who already know each other) were spotted chatting at the airport.

Rooster Teeth, the Viner bros, and the Frisbee professionals were also seen getting to know each other.

The Teams Arrive in Mexico City – Who Was First?
If you missed the short live stream from CBS, here you go! The teams rushed to the clue box for their first clue in the city.
Instagram models Jessica Versteeg and Brittany Oldehoff were the first to arrive and get their clue. “Hi, Facebook! Love you!”

The pair were followed by two guys in orange – professional Frisbee players Brodie Smith and Kurt Gibson. “THIS is live? Are we live on Facebook?! Thank you for all the support!”

Viral video stars and blonde mother-daughter team Marty Cobb and Hagan Parkman rocked up to the clue box in hot pink. “Gonna go on the race! We’re gonna do a good job! We are so glad to see you!”

Clevver hosts Erin White Robinson and Joslyn Davis ran there next. “Mom and dad! We love you so much! We want to say hi to our fans! Hi from Mexico! I can’t believe we’re doing this!”

Rooster Teeth ran to the clue box in yellow and black. “Hey everybody! If you guys see us out there, say hello! Help us! We need help!”

Dating duo Matt and Borriello arrived after Rooster Teeth. “Facebook live? Hey Facebook! We have been waiting for years!”

Viner bros Darius and Cameron came up next.

Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl then rushed into the camera frame and looked like they were in a serious hurry. Korey didn’t talk at all.
“Are you doing all right?” Phil asked. “GOOD!” Tyler said. “I see you have chosen some shorts,” Phil commented. “Well, YEAH! Got to show off the legs.” Tyler said.
Phil reminded Tyler to say hello to the Facebook camera, just in case they got penalized later. Tyler said, “Feel good! Facebook, we love you! Bye, Phil!” They ran off.

Blair Fowler and her dad showed up next. “We wanted to say hi to everyone who’s watching at home!”

Newlyweds Zach and Rachel King came next. “Hey, Facebook! What’s up? Zach and Rachel here!”

Mom and son Cole and Sheri were the last to arrive. “Thanks for watching!” they said.