Dan Howell and Phil Lester recently announced that they were moving away from their legendary apartment in London, after five years of living there.
Since fans see the apartment in almost every single video they post, many were emotional and sad about the news.
However, the duo could not wait to leave. “Get us the hell out ASAP!” Dan exclaimed. “It has been a hamster cage. We have spent too many hours here.”

Dan & Phil Announce They’ll Be Leaving Their Iconic London Apartment
“We are MOVING!” the pair announced.
Phil reminded fans that they have lived in their London apartment for a whopping five years. Dan was shocked by the revelation that they spent so much time living there. “That is disgusting!”
They reminded fans what they used to look like when they originally moved in. “I looked like I was full of life,” Dan joked. “We’re dead now. We’re dying.”

Why on Earth Did Dan & Phil Decide to Move?
Dan told fans that they have outgrown the location. “We are desperately wanting to leave ASAP!”
Firstly, they complained that the apartment was impossible to store things in due to a lack of storage space. “We have too much miscellaneous s***,” Dan revealed. They showed a terrifying disembodied Dil head as an example.

If you were wondering where the pair stored all their amazing props for their videos – they don’t.

Phil also said that another reason was because they were being triple-penetrated by noise – from drilling, the roads and neighbors. “It NEVER ends!” they said.

Another reason was the fact that their home was falling apart, with cracks EVERYWHERE.

Additionally, their internet speeds are tragic. Not to mention the mice and gas leaks. The lack of air-conditioning in the summer was troublesome, too.

It’s the end of an era – and a new beginning!