20-year-old beauty guru and vegan personality Bea Jonite (Chanelegance) shocked fans with a video titled I Am Going to Jail, and this time, it wasn’t clickbait.
“I wish I could say the title is funny clickbait, but it is completely true!” the Latvian said. “I will actually be going to jail.”

Drunk Beata Jonite Gets Caught by the Police
Bea quickly reassured fans that she did not kill anybody. “I didn’t kill anyone. Or anything that bad.”
“You have to take responsibility for the things you do,” she told fans. “Bad decisions lead to bad consequences.”
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“I am so ashamed,” she said.
Beata said that it all started when she was at an event. She got drunk with her friends and had tons of fun.
At around five in the morning, a very inebriated Bea decided to drive home drunk.

What was her excuse? “I didn’t have enough money to get a taxi.” She thought nobody was going to catch her.
After she drove away, she was caught! In hindsight, she said she was very glad she was apprehended by the Latvian police. “I don’t even want to think about what I could have possibly done. I could have KILLED somebody. Horrible.”
After a breathalyzer test, they found that her blood alcohol concentration was .12, above the legal limit for driving. In the U.S. the limit is 0.08. “I was shaking. It was scary.”
Bea Reveals She’s Not Allowed to Drive for TWO Years
Beata told fans that the police took her license and her car – and they drove her home.
She was later informed that she was not going to be able to drive again for an entire two years. Her license was revoked.

Additionally, in two years, she will have to start the process of getting her license all over again. With driving school and everything. She also has to attend mandatory Alcoholics Anonymous courses and see a psychologist.
The morning after, she told her parents and spent the whole day crying. “Bawling. Just crying. My parents were screaming. It was horrifying. They were in absolute shock.”
Bea Talks About Her Prison Sentence
“I also learned that I had to go to court. And then, prison. I was FREAKED. I also had to pay a fine of 850 euros.”
She vlogged her court experience in the video.

However, she later found out that she will only have to spend around 5 days in an actual prison. “Horrible conditions. In a cell. The toilet. No social media,” she said. “No social media!”