Kandee Johnson was at VidCon when she had an unfortunate allergic reaction to something!
She was in good spirits, and thought it was hilarious that she had to end up face-down on the floor at VidCon while having her a** injected!

Kandee Johnson’s Face Starts Swelling
Kandee Johnson was minding her own business in Las Vegas, meeting fans and her fellow YouTubers. Unfortunately, nature had some other plans.

She tweeted that she was going to out to buy some Benadryl, because she felt that an allergic reaction was developing. However, she had no idea why. “Also, a Twix and a water.”

During VidCon, her allergy became progressively worse, and her face started to swell. At this point, she called for medical attention to find out what was going on.

Kandee Johnson Strips off to Get Injected at VidCon
Eventually, a doctor arrived to see Kandee, and prescribed an injection. Unfortunately, it had to be administered on her buttocks.
Kandee Johnson was spotted creating a spectacular cardboard fort (DIY Video!) in one of the hallways to protect her modesty. A woman blocked the view from the cameras.

Kandee thought her situation was hilarious. “I am laying on the ground,” she said. “This is how I am getting a shot in my butt for that allergic reaction!”

We hope she has recovered!