Lexie Lombard Shocks with Poorly-Timed Instagram Photos after UCC Shooting

Lexie Lombard and Finley Ohrstrom. (Photo: Instagram)

Last week, Lexie Lombard was forced to delete a controversial photo from her Instagram account.

In the photo, she was pictured laughing as her boyfriend Finley Ohrstrom held a gun to her head.

It was posted slightly over a day after the tragic Umpqua Community College shooting, which left 10 dead and 7 others seriously injured.

Lexie and Finley kiss.
Lexie and Finley kiss. (Photo: Instagram)

Lexie Lombard & Finley Ohrstrom Joke Around With Fake Guns on Instagram

Lexie posted the following photo on her account.

Lexie Lombard.
Finley jokingly holds a gun to Lexie’s head. (Photo: Instagram)

She was clearly anticipating controversy in her caption. “Is this offensive?”

She tried to preempt criticism. “It is a fake gun. Gun laws are whack right? Just kidding.”


Finley posted this version on his account. He did not delete his photo.

He used his trademark nonsensical caption text. “This is me and Baemax! We are reunited after years of despair and distance. She is a cute toy I want to feed snacks to. Like a cracker with a little nibble of cheese. We are doing the mambo. Dancing around like this is a ball. What’s a cat get like that for… D*** Cheney for real!”

Lexie Lombard jokes around with Finley Ohrstrom.
Lexie Lombard jokes around with Finley Ohrstrom. (Photo: Instagram)

Lexie Deletes Her Photo, Finley Defends His

Lexie quickly deleted the photo from her Instagram after fans complained.


However, her boyfriend defended it. “Whoa dawg. That is a spray painted glass bottle, not an AK. What do you think I am? D*** Cheney?”


He confirmed that Lexie was not “screaming” in the photos, but laughing.


Some other fans weren’t so offended.


Lexie was more concerned with his captions. “You Instagram like no one is reading.”


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