Nicki Minaj was prodding around her social media accounts when she found herself in a particular group chat.
The contents in the chat confounded her, and she tweeted out a screenshot to all her followers on Twitter.
She didn’t seem to realize how messy and funny the screencap was, and was forced to delete it just moments later.

Nicki Minaj Tweets-And-Deletes A Screenshot Featuring Shawn Mendes
Nicki Minaj, who has over 21 million followers on Twitter, blessed everybody with this particular screenshot from a group chat.
The mess started at the top of the image.
First of all, Nicki was in a group chat disastrously named “Aaliyah Airlines”, complete with an airplane and fire emoji. If you don’t know the reference, you should check out Aaliyah’s Wikipedia page. The girl was killed in a plane crash in 2001.

Secondly, Nicki posted this tweet alongside the screenshot. She had zero idea that the “man” in the photo was Shawn Mendes – she didn’t even know who he was!

Lastly, she was extremely confused why the person called the cat Shawn was hugging a “dog” instead. “I am so confused,” she wrote.
After realizing how unintentionally funny her tweet was, she quickly deleted it.

Thank god for screenshots!