Rose Ellen Dix and Rosie Spaughton recently had some big news for their fans.
Rose opened the video by announcing that she was going to carry their brand new baby!
Rose & Rosie Discuss Their New Baby
The couple joked that they were going to name their baby “Skyrim” or “Samsung”. Rose said that she loved the name “Edam” because it was a mix of “Adam and Eve” – and her favorite cheese.
Rose asked Rosie if she was willing to try some of her breast milk when lactating.
“Yeah,” she replied. “Don’t act like people don’t do that! EVERYONE I have known with breast milk has given it to people to try! It’s nature’s curiosity.”

Rose joked that she was worried about the child’s potential accent. “I did not raise you to be a little s***… They’re going to hate me… I’m going to be a great parent.”
“When you have children, you dont have sex anymore?” Rose asked. “This baby is already really annoying.”

They discussed a hypothetical situation in which their hypothetical son was seen dressed up in women’s clothes. “That’s not a problem. We are liberal parents. We believe that we will love our child no matter what.”