Model Sophia Mitchell got the chance to pose with Ethan and Grayson Dolan at one of their meet-and-greets.
However, she was quickly attacked on Instagram and Twitter after she decided to post her M&G photos to social media.
She was called names and accused of wearing an outfit that was “too sexy” – but she defended herself!

Sophia Mitchell Meets The Dolan Twins
Sophia walked up to pose with the twins, and posted the photos online. She wore a midriff-baring, slashed Nirvana tee with some seriously ripped jeans.

The trio almost looked like they matched! The twins could barely keep their eyes off her as they posed for the camera.

Sophia Is Attacked By Haters & Fires Back at “Hypocritical” Fans
She was immediately flooded with hate comments criticizing her attire. “You are a s*** dressing like that,” one rude hater wrote on Instagram. “Stop trying to seduce them it won’t work.”
Others were proud of her. “Omg, you go girl. They look like they want to **** you!”
The model fired back at haters on Twitter, and called out some Dolan fans for their “hypocrisy” over her clothing choices.
She accused some Dolan fans of being hypocrites with their shirtless Grayson and Ethan icons. “Your icon is a shirtless teen boy… have your opinion or whatever. But do not come at me for showing my torso! Double standards.”

Some fans lashed out at her even more. “You PAID to meet those shirtless boys!” one defensive fan wrote.
“The difference is that I have NO problem with people showing their body off!” she explained.

Madison Beer backed her up on Instagram. “Gorgeous!” she wrote.

She was furious at people spreading “lies and rumors” about her just because of those M&G photos. “I don’t want to reply to them… but I want to clear it up!”

Other Dolan twins fans defended her from the rogue haters. “She is so sweet,” one fan said. “She gave up her good view of the show and you have the NERVE to attack her!”

She confirmed that she did give up her VIP ticket.

“Girls supporting other girls makes me happy!” she wrote.

“Being thoughtful to someone can make their day much better!”