Today was another drama-filled day for the Magcon 2016 family!
First, there was drama surrounding Cameron Dallas unfollowing Jacob Sartorius. He later re-followed Jacob on the Magcon Instagram account, but nobody knows what happened between them in the first place. Taylor Caniff also threw some shade at Jacob.
Later, someone made up a FAKE story about Cameron fighting with Jacob and clashing with Carter and Daniel. Someone even made a FAKE tweet about Cameron saying Jacob was “doing it for publicity”.
In addition to all that, there were rumors that Cameron kicked out Carter from the Magcon Tour.

Cameron Responds to Rumors That He Kicked out Carter, Stays Silent on Jacob
Cameron quickly went on social media and brushed off the “rumors” as false. However, he did not mention anything about Jacob.
He simply tweeted, “Rumors, rumors!”

Carter Reynolds Confirms Cameron Did NOT Kick Him Out
Carter also confirmed that Cameron did not eject him from the Magcon 2016 lineup. “He did NOT kick me out,” he wrote.

Unlike Cameron, Carter mentioned that some people did leave. However, he said that “they made the decision” themselves, and were not kicked out.

Update: Carter is Kicked Out of Magcon Officially!
Carter has officially been booted from the tour, and he’s p***** as hell. Click here to read more!