Poor Dan Howell, who recently accidentally declared he was a bottom – has done it again.
Dan posted a cryptic message that sounded suspiciously like an indirect subtweet. It wasn’t, of course.
Dan Howell Accidentally Stirs up Trouble With This One Tweet
Dan Howell, who never makes dramatic subtweets, posted what appeared to be a dramatic subtweet.
“Don’t trust people who tell you other people’s secrets,” he said.

Fans immediately started speculating. “Does the Phandom need to kill someone for you?” one thoughtful fan offered. “S*** has hit the Phan,” another tweeted.
Fans Go in on Dodie Clark & Evan Edinger, for Some Reason
Some fans zeroed in on Dodie Clark and Evan Edinger, for whatever reason.
“We are not being shaded. Stop with your rumors, you silly, silly people. Oh my lord. Sorry people who have no idea what this is about,” Dodie tweeted in response to fans.

Emma Blackery also got into the drama. “Welcome to the world of false rumors and invented drama.”

Dan Howell Reveals He Was Trying to Be Franta-esque: “I Was Just Being a Relatable Idiot”
On YouNow, Dan explained his mysterious tweet.
“I hung out with a friend from high school, who I haven’t seen in a while.”
He asked her what his old high school friends were up to. “I asked, but I don’t care what my high school friends were doing, because I’ve compartmentalized that, and I’ve put it in a box.”

“She just like…told me all of this intimate gossip. Like, this person is dating this person, but this person doesn’t know about it. And this person got fired from their job.”
“I was like…you kind of unleashed everything.”
Dan said the girl asked him how he was doing, but he was hesitant to reveal anything.
“Internally, I was like, like I’m going to tell you literally anything about my life right now. You’re clearly the biggest blabbermouth ever.”

“Much in the typical Dan way, I was like, how can I turn this into a Connor Franta-esque relatable tweet about nothing?”
Dan said he did not realize the firestorm of drama he accidentally kicked up.
“I didn’t check it that night, and then the next day…everyone was like, what happened?”

“Guys, as if I would indirect someone on twitter. Do you even know me? As if I’d dramatically subtweet someone. Are you kidding me? No! I was just posting a crap relatable tweet about nothing. Guys, come on,” he laughed. “That was pretty funny.”
“I was just being a relatable idiot.”
This concludes this week’s episode of “Dan Accidentally”.