Shawn Mendes tried to have a relaxing day at the beach in Brazil but was surrounded by fans very quickly.
Shawn is in Brazil to perform at the Rock in Rio festival alongside some other star artists and decided to enjoy himself by going for a dip.
Shawn Mendes Performs to a Massive Crowd at Rock in Rio 2017
You can take a look at Shawn’s performance in the video below! It is an hour-long set if you’re interested.
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Shawn Mendes Strips off at the Beach But Gets Swarmed By Fans
Shawn Mendes decided to go down to the sandy Brazillian beaches to catch some rays. Unfortunately, people quickly recognized the singing Canadian hunk, and they all crowded around him.

Shawn, who is often a gentleman, took selfie after selfie for the fans who were there.

Recently, on MTV’s Dare to Live, Shawn talked about why he tried to meet fans even on his bad days.

He told the host that it “only takes like 10 seconds” to take a photo, and you could make somebody’s entire year.

However, a random girl who attended his birthday party this year threw some shade at him on Twitter and called him “rude” when she tried to get a selfie (at his own birthday). He took the selfie, but she was still not satisfied, apparently.

In Brazil, Shawn was seen looking both hot and hot. He struggled a bit with the humidity and appeared to be soaked almost all the time.

Shawn looked like he had a great time and even tried speaking a little Portuguese for the fans.

And he looked seriously good while doing so!