Hayes Grier took to Instagram to deny smoking rumors (again) after his friend Luke Foushee’s Twitter account was compromised.
Meanwhile, Magcon member Taylor Caniff is still facing various felony marijuana charges.
Additionally, Taylor Caniff previously claimed that Hayes’ brother, Nash Grier, was a smoker.

Luke Foushee Gets Hacked, Posts Weed-Related Tweets Regarding Hayes
Hayes Grier was on Twitter, busy getting #VoteForTeamSlayes to trend.

A hacker hijacked Luke Foushee’s Twitter account, and used the hashtag to tweet out a suspicious photo of Hayes Grier.

The hacker also tweeted, “We on that good kush @HayesGrier.”

Some fans initially thought Luke was being serious, and urged him to delete the tweets.
However, Luke later confirmed that he was hacked. “I think I’m being hacked.”

“That is not me tweeting anything,” he continued.

Hayes Grier Claims the Photos Are “Photoshopped”, on Instagram
Hayes Grier commented on one of @haysiepoobear’s photos on Instagram.

The fan’s caption was, “Okay. So the picture of Hayes smoking is probably real, who cares? It’s his life, if he wants to do it he can. Tons of teens all over the world do it too! I know it’s wrong, but Hayes will have to deal with it himself, we can’t stop it!”
However, Hayes replied and denied that the photos were real. “It’s a fake picture! I would not lie to you guys. I have not been on the lake in like 4 months. I’ve been in LA.”

“Babe, do not worry about it. I’m glad you can help me stop rumors.”

“It was photoshopped and Luke’s Twitter got hacked, and someone posted it on his Twitter.”