Acacia Brinley and Taylor Caniff recently clashed on Twitter after Taylor posted a controversial tweet about women.
After Taylor tweeted that “women were props” in his videos, Acacia fired back.
Taylor, who often loves fighting on Twitter, then proceeded to bring up Acacia’s nudes. Here’s what happened.

Taylor Caniff Tweets That Girls Are Simply “Props”
If you have not heard already, Taylor Caniff caused a ton of controversy on Twitter after he tweeted this message.

He said that “having girls for props” was the key to making great music videos. He was criticized by a ton of celebrities and fans for this tweet.
He also decided to compare music video models to dogs.
Acacia Calls Out Taylor Caniff
Acacia appeared to be very disgusted by Taylor’s tweet. “Actually disgusted!” she tweeted. She called him “misogynistic” and “disrespectful”.

She told Taylor that they were called “paid actresses” and not “props”. “Arrogant a**!” she said.

She wondered if Taylor was “really that stupid”.

She attacked Taylor Caniff fans, and said that they were “dummies” who “set back” women.

She said she was NOT a prop.

Taylor Caniff Tries to Shame Acacia by Bringing up Scantily Clad Selfies
Taylor Caniff fired back at Acacia, by mentioning her naked photos.

“Go respect yourself!” he attacked. “I searched your name… saw nudes everywhere.”
Taylor has a history of blasting girls with controversial attacks. He once called Madison Beer a “w****” and claimed that she slept with all of Magcon. He also called her “trash”.
Acacia Responds to Taylor’s Attack
Acacia did not back down. She told fans that her private naked photos were leaked in order to shame her. “I took the horrible incident… and wanted to change lives.”

She appeared very exasperated that Taylor was so rich, despite “disrespecting girls so much”.

She said that she was genuinely upset, and not just being theatrical.

Related: Halsey Blasts Taylor Caniff
Taylor Caniff’s tweets also grabbed the attention of Halsey. Click here to read about what happened next.
Taylor later apologized and took down his tweets.